British Columbia Birds is the British Columbia journal of record for reporting rarities or range expansions, the general status of species, avian ecology and behaviour. It publishes new observations on birds, or even a single bird. Suitable topics include distribution, abundance, extra-limital occurrence or range expansion, reviews of status, banding, identification, plumage variation, moult, behaviour, feeding, breeding, habitat, ecological relationships, reviews, or history and biography of ornithology.
All articles from past issues of British Columbia Birds are archived and available here. You can search all but the current issue using the Search box in the top right corner of this page. The current issue is available only to BCFO members; it will be made available to the public approximately one year after publication.
Special Issue
The status, ecology and conservation of internationally important
bird populations on the Fraser River delta, British Columbia, Canada

British Columbia Field Ornithologists is pleased to make this Special Issue of
British Columbia Birds immediately available to conservationists and the general public.
Get more information and download this important paper here.
Taxonomy of the Northwestern Crow Corvus caurinus
Currently there is a proposal to The North American Classification Committee to consider re-splitting Northwestern Crow from American Crow. This proposal has garnered interest in a recent article by Robert W. Butler, published in British Columbia Birds, so we have decided to make the article generally available rather than having it confined to the Members Only pages of the British Columbia Birds website. You can download the paper here.