B.C. Field Ornithologists Bird Records Committee Report for 2020

Catherine Craig

401 Kootenay Street, Revelstoke, B.C., V0E 2S0; e-mail: ccraigbird AT gmail.com

Abstract: In 2020, the British Columbia Bird Records Committee reached decisions on 31 records. Of these records, 29 were accepted to the Main List, and two were not accepted (one due to identification not being established and one due to uncertain origin). Two new species, Brown Shrike (Lanius cristatus) and Yellow-browed Warbler (Phylloscopus inornatus), were added to the Main List. One species, Hawaiian Petrel (Pterodroma sandwichensis), was elevated to the Main List from the Provisional List. The records reviewed involved birds seen between 1990 and 2020. The provincial checklist now stands at 528 species on the Main List, with an additional 10 species on the Provisional List.

Keywords: rare bird reports, British Columbia, checklist, Bird Records Committee

PDFicon Craig, C. 2021. B.C. Field Ornithologists Bird Records Committee Report for 2020. British Columbia Birds 31:58–65

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