- Survival and winter site fidelity of Sooty Fox Sparrows on southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Michael Simmons - History of the establishment of a large Northwestern Crow roost in Burnaby, British Columbia
Robert W. Butler and George Clulow - Do British Columbia Cooper’s Hawks have big feet?
Robert N. Rosenfield, Andrew C. Stewart, William E. Stout, Sarah A. Sonsthagen, and Paul N. Frater - Significant bird observations by Maurice Ellison in the West Kootenay area of British Columbia, 1940 to 1997
Bill Merilees - Status and distribution of marine birds in southern Howe Sound 2014–15 and the outer Fraser River estuary, British Columbia, 2016–2017
Robert W. Butler, Rod MacVicar, Andrew R. Couturier, Sonya Richmond, Eva Dickson, Holly A. Middleton and Patricia Beaty - Seabirds detected on inshore transects conducted in Barkley Sound, British Columbia, winter 1984
Spencer G. Sealy - B.C. Field Ornithologists Bird Records Committee Report for 2019
Nathan T. Hentze